Our Services

Comprehensive Eye Exams

Our doctors and friendly staff will provide you with a comprehensive exam that checks not only if you can see the distance and near chart, but also make sure that your eyes work together properly. We will check your peripheral vision, color and depth perception.  We will check your eyes from the eyelashes to the cornea to the lens to the retina in the back of your eyes.  If you need more specialized care, we will work with you to ensure that you get referred to the best specialist in town.

Contact Lens Fitting

Whether you are new to contacts or have been wearing them for years, we at Schofield Vision Center can help you seeing clearly and comfortably.

For first time wearers, we offer first time fitting with follow-up visit.  We will teach you how to insert, remove and take care of your lenses.  Most of the time you will be leaving the office with a trial pair of contacts that you can see clearly without the rims of your glasses getting in the way of your new vision.

If you have been wearing contact lenses for a long time,  let us show you the latest advances in contact lens technology.

Purchasing Contact Lenses

We can order your contact lens from your prescription.  We carry Biofinity, AcuVue Oasys and many daily disposables including AcuVue Oasys, AcuVue Vita and AcuVue 1-Day Moist.  These contact lenses in the more popular powers are in our office ready for pick up.

Drop by our office for all your contact lens needs today.  You will be surprised at how much you can save.